Outdoor potted plants including tomatoes with red fruit and basil on a patio.

Taking a vacation can be an exciting time, but if you have outdoor potted plants, it is important to think of them too. Leaving your outdoor potted plants unattended while on vacation can be a nerve-wracking experience. You worry about whether they’ll still be alive when you get back, especially if there’s been an unexpected cold snap or frost. But with a little bit of preparation and forethought, you can rest assured that your plants will be just fine – and may even thrive in your absence! Here are four tips to help make sure your plants stay healthy while you’re away.

Our Favorite Automatic Watering Solutions

10pcs Terracotta Watering Spikes – Automatic Self Watering Stakes

Blumat Classic Plant Watering Stakes

10 inch Self Watering Planters

Raindrip R560DP Automatic Drip Irrigation Watering Kit with Timer for Containers and Hanging Baskets

Double F Farms Premium Organic 100% Natural Straw

Outdoor Mesh Plant Enclosure

Water your potted plants deeply before you go on vacation

A woman and a girl using a watering can to water their large tropical outdoor plants.

Giving your plants a good soak before you take a vacation is critical for their health and longevity. Plants need consistent hydration, especially when the weather is hot and dry, to keep photosynthesis going and to provide energy for them to grow healthy fruit or flowers.

Without regular water, plants can become wilted, dry out and die. Additionally, they become more prone to attack from pests and disease if they’re not well hydrated. By providing adequate water before you leave on a short vacation, it helps ensure that your plants will get essential nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous into the soil which can aid in better growth when you return home.

But what happens when you’re planning an extended vacation, leaving your leafy friends to fend for themselves? Consider purchasing self-watering pots or investing in a drip system to take care of the watering for you.

Another option to keep your plants hydrated is with terracotta watering spikes. These ingenious tools work in tandem with a water-filled container to release moisture into the soil whenever it’s needed.

Lastly, consider grouping your plants together to create a microclimate with increased humidity.

Place outdoor potted plants in a shady spot

Outdoor plants in small pots including, mint, lavender, ivy, a pink flowering plant, and a plant with small blue flowers.

If you leave the potted plants out in the sun while you are away, they may not survive your trip due to heat, wind, and lack of water. Sunburn can affect the leaves of the plant, causing spots that prevent photosynthesis from occurring. So it is important to put your potted plants in a shady protected spot before you go on vacation.

Doing this ensures that your plants will be safe and comfortable until you return home. Without protection from direct sunlight, high temperatures during summer months can be fatal for many potted plants because extra heat and lack of water will quickly cause them to dry out.

Even if you plan to leave someone around to water your plants, putting them in a shady spot allows them more prolonged hydration and better chances of flourishing when you return from your trip.

Outdoor potted orange trees in large terracotta pots next to a pond.

Keeping outdoor potted plants in a shady, protected spot before heading out on vacation is also important during cooler times of the year as it can also help to protect the plant from surprise frosts while you are away.

Potted plants are especially prone to quick temperature changes due to their lack of insulation and inability to draw water and nutrients from the ground. If you plan on leaving your plants outside during a potentially cold time, trying to position them so they are shielded by other surfaces such as houses or larger trees will provide extra protection against unexpected frost and greatly increase their chances of survival after you return.

Additionally, collecting fallen leaves around them or providing other protective layers can further ensure that your beloved plants will remain healthy and thriving when you come back from your holiday.

Add mulch to keep soil moist

Gloved hands adding straw mulch to lettuce in a large outdoor container.

Having a healthy garden of outdoor potted plants is something that can take time and dedication to achieve. A green thumb may be helpful, but adding some mulch around each pot is also important to help maintain moisture in the soil while you’re away on vacation.

Unsure of what kind of mulch to use? Read: Choosing Mulch For Your Garden – University of New Hampshire Extension

This will ensure your plants stay fresh and hydrated in your absence and prevent them from drying out. Not only will this keep your garden looking beautiful when you return, but it’s also an easy way to protect it from unpredictable changes in the weather while you’re gone. Whether you’re away for a couple of days or weeks, making sure there’s mulch or rocks surrounding your pot before leaving for vacation will give you peace of mind knowing that your plants won’t suffer without you.

More container gardening ideas: Create A Patio Oasis Using Potted Plants For Privacy

If you’re leaving for an extended period of time, it’s especially important to add some mulch around the pot of your outdoor potted plants in order to keep the soil moist. Without this added protection the soil can easily dry out, the leaves may wilt and the plant may suffer from dehydration while you’re away.

The mulch not only acts as a barrier against heat and harmful ultraviolet rays but also helps trap moisture that your plants will rely on during your absence. Additionally, as water evaporates quickly in hot weather, adding mulch or rocks to potted plants will help ensure their survival when you are on vacation.

Don’t forget to water them when you get back!

A large stone container filled with blooming purple pansy and curled leaf kale.

Watering outdoor potted plants when returning from vacation can be a tricky endeavor, especially if you’ve been away for an extended period of time. To ensure your plants have enough water and are not too dry or overwatered, it’s important to do some basic checks upon your arrival.

Check the soil first and make sure it’s moist but not saturated. If the soil is exceptionally dry, rehydrate by soaking the entire pot as opposed to sprinkling with a watering can. For newly planted pots, water slowly and deeply, allowing the roots of your plants to absorb as much moisture as needed without being overwhelmed by excess water.

Monitor over several days and continue to add light layers of water if needed. Taking all these precautions will help your plants stay healthy despite their temporary lack of care while you are away!

A patio filled with outdoor potted plants of different shapes and sizes. Including flowers, rosemary, basil, and parsley.

With a little preparation, you can ensure that your outdoor potted plants stay healthy and vibrant while you are on vacation. By following these simple tips – such as shielding them from the cold weather, adding mulch or rocks to the pot, and watering them slowly and deeply when you get back – your garden will be flourishing when you come home.

Happy Gardening & Have A Great Vacation!

Outdoor Potted Plant Survival Gear

Soil Moisture Sensor Meter

10pcs Terracotta Watering Spikes – Automatic Self Watering Stakes

Blumat Classic Plant Watering Stakes

10 inch Self Watering Planters

Raindrip R560DP Automatic Drip Irrigation Watering Kit with Timer for Containers and Hanging Baskets

Double F Farms Premium Organic 100% Natural Straw

Outdoor Mesh Plant Enclosure

Black Shade Cloth