broccoli microgreens leaves.

If you want to take your healthy eating habits to the next level, adding microgreens to your diet is the way to go. Among the many varieties of microgreens, broccoli microgreens stand out due to their nutritional value and easily growable nature. They are packed with nutrients and have a delicious flavor that can add a whole new dimension to your food. Even better, they can be grown quickly and without much effort right in your home. In this blog post, we’ll give you all the information you need to grow broccoli microgreens at home and elevate your healthy eating habits.

What are Microgreens?

A variety of microgreens including broccoli microgreens that are ready to harvest.

If you’re not familiar with microgreens, they are essentially young plants that are harvested when they are just a few centimeters tall – at their “micro” stage. Though they are small in size, they are packed with nutrients that can provide numerous health benefits when added to your diet. Microgreens are easy to grow and can be harvested within 1 to 3 weeks of planting.

Why Choose Broccoli Microgreens?

colorful microgreens growing in cute small terracotta containers. Broccoli microgreens, nasturtium microgreens and red orach microgreens.

Broccoli microgreens are a fast growing, healthy, and tasty addition to any salad or sandwich, and the best part is that they’re pretty easy to grow indoors, even when it’s hot outside and garden broccoli is out of season.

Seeds sprout quickly, with young plants emerging within 1 to 2 days. Growing them indoors is a great idea because you can control the temperature and humidity, which is particularly useful during the summer months. Broccoli microgreens only require a few basic things to grow: a growing medium, water, light, and patience.

a handful of nutritious broccoli microgreens.

You can quickly grow broccoli microgreens right on your kitchen counter and enjoy fresh and healthy greens all year round. Not only will you be able to beat the heat, but you’ll also have a constant supply of nutrient-packed greens to add to your meals. Plus, it can be a fun and rewarding activity for both adults and kids alike.

Zesti Greens Superfoods Microgreens Sprouting and Growing Kits on Amazon

easy up eggs with a side of broccoli sprouts.

Broccoli microgreens are a great choice for health enthusiasts due to their high nutritional value. They are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, and E, iron, magnesium, sulforaphane, and calcium. In addition to being nutrient-packed, they have a delicious flavor that can elevate the taste of any dish.

Find out more about the health benefits of broccoli microgreens here:

USDA: Baby Broccoli Brings Beneficial Boost -Microgreens Offer Chance to Grow Vegetables for Customized Health Needs

NIH: Broccoli Microgreens: A Mineral-Rich Crop That Can Diversify Food Systems

How to Grow Broccoli Microgreens at Home

a microgreens growing kit complete with grow trays, mats, seeds, a mister and microgreen seeds.

Growing broccoli microgreens is an easy and affordable process that can be done right in your home. Here’s how:

Soak 1 to 2 tablespoons of broccoli seeds, depending on the size of the growing tray, in a jar of water for about 30 minutes.

Handy Pantry Broccoli – Organic – Sprouting Seeds

Choose from an assortment of Microgreens Kits & Supplies at True Leaf Market.

misting microgreen seeds on damp grow mat.

Spread the soaked seeds evenly on a growing tray lined with a growing mat or filled with a sterile growing medium like bagged soil or coconut coir.

Cover the tray with another tray or paper towel and set it in a dark, cool area for 2-3 days. This will allow the seeds to germinate.

After the seedlings start to grow, uncover the tray and place it in a sunny area or under grow lights to allow the seedlings to grow and mature.

well organized trays of various types of microgreens.

Water the tray once or twice a day, lifting the tray to pour off any excess water.

If it is especially dry in your area, misting the microgreens daily will help increase humidity.

hands using scissor to harvest delicate microgreens.

Broccoli Microgreens are usually ready to harvest 8-12 days after planting.

Harvest the microgreens when they reach a height of 2-3 inches by snipping them off at the base with scissors.

true leaf microgreen growing kits and seeds

Ways to Use Broccoli Microgreens

microgreens on a green salad.

Broccoli microgreens are a quick and easy way to incorporate some extra nutrition into your diet. These tiny versions of the beloved green are not only delicious. 

fresh harvested broccoli microgreens clean and ready to add to a meal.

One simple way to use broccoli microgreens is to incorporate them into an easy recipe like a morning omelet or a lunchtime wrap. Simply add a handful to your eggs or wrap, and voila! You’ve just upped your overall nutrient intake in the most delicious way possible.

A burger with lots of veggies including broccoli sprouts.

Broccoli microgreens can be added to a variety of dishes, such as salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and soups. They can be used as a garnish on top of your favorite dishes, making them not only nutrient-packed but also visually appealing. They are crisp and have a tangy yet mild broccoli taste that can add flavor to any dish.

Here is an easy to use HAMAMA ALL-IN-ONE Microgreens Growing Kit. The seeds are already in premeasured paper packets that fit directly into a ceramic grow tray.


a clump of broccoli microgreens.

Growing broccoli microgreens at home is an easy and fun way to add a healthy and flavorful touch to your diet. It is a simple process that can be done in a few weeks without much investment. By incorporating microgreens into your meals, you can enjoy the benefits of their high nutritional value and unique taste while also opening up a world of new possibilities in the kitchen. So go ahead and give growing broccoli microgreens a try and see the difference it can make to your lifestyle.

Broccoli Microgreens Resources

Seed, Kits, and Supplies: True Leaf Market

USDA: Baby Broccoli Brings Beneficial Boost -Microgreens Offer Chance to Grow Vegetables for Customized Health Needs

NIH: Broccoli Microgreens: A Mineral-Rich Crop That Can Diversify Food Systems