Home grown microgreens are delicious and nutritious.

In today’s world, people are always looking for new and innovative ways to improve their lives. One way to do this is by growing your own food. Not only is this a great way to get fresh, healthy produce, but it’s also a fun and rewarding hobby. If you’re new to gardening, don’t worry – growing microgreens is a great way to start. Microgreens are simply young greens that are harvested before they reach maturity.

They can be grown indoors or outdoors, and they don’t require a lot of space or special equipment. Best of all, microgreens are incredibly easy to grow and only take a few weeks from seed to harvest. So if you’re ready to get started, read on for a step-by-step guide to growing microgreens.

What are microgreens and why should you grow them

Small containers can make growing a variety of microgreens easier to manage.

Microgreens are a type of salad green that is harvested when the plant is just a few inches tall. They are packed with flavor and nutrients, making them a popular addition to salads, sandwiches, and other dishes. Microgreens are relatively easy to grow, and they can be grown indoors or outdoors. One of the best things about microgreens is that they can be harvested in just a few weeks.

This makes them a great option for people who want to enjoy fresh, homegrown greens year-round. In addition to being delicious, microgreens are also a nutritious powerhouse. They are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as magnesium, iron, and calcium. So whether you’re looking for a tasty way to spruce up your meals or you’re interested in boosting your health, growing microgreens is a great option.

How to start a microgreens garden

First, you will need to choose the right type of container. A plastic or glass container with drainage holes is ideal. To start a microgreens garden, you will need a shallow tray or container, some potting mix, and seeds. Microgreens can be grown in soil, coco coir, or hydroponically. They can be grown in containers or in the ground.

If you are growing microgreens indoors, make sure you have enough light. You will also need a light source, as microgreens need 14-16 hours of light per day. Once you have your container and light set up, you can start planting your seeds. Keep the soil moist but not wet, and within a week or two, you should see your first sprouts. There are a number of kits available online to get you started.

What types of seeds to use for microgreens

Microgreens seeds are available for a wide variety of delicious plants.

There are also a wide variety of organic seeds that can be used for microgreens, and the best type to use will depend on personal preference. Some of the most popular varieties include alfalfa, Broccoli, and Radish. Each of these seeds has its own unique flavor and nutritional profile, so it is important to choose the right type for your needs. For example, alfalfa microgreens are rich in vitamins A and C, while Broccoli microgreens are a good source of fiber.

Radish microgreens, on the other hand, are known for their spicy flavor. Radishes grow quickly and can be harvested as microgreens in as little as two weeks. 

Sunflower seeds are also popular but take a bit longer to sprout. However, they are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Microgreens are a great way to add more nutrient-rich vegetables to your diet. By using organic seeds, you can be sure that your microgreens are free of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. 

When choosing organic seeds for microgreens, it is important to consider your own personal taste and nutrition preferences. With so many delicious and nutritious options available, you are sure to find the perfect type of seed for your needs.

How to water and fertilize your microgreens garden

But in order to produce a bountiful crop, it is important to water and fertilize your plants properly. Fortunately, caring for a microgreens garden is relatively simple. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Watering your microgreens garden is crucial to the success of your crop. Moisture helps the seeds to germinate and the young plants to grow. However, too much moisture can cause the roots to rot and the leaves to turn yellow. For this reason, it is important to water your garden regularly but not excessively. When watering, be sure to use a gentle mist so that you do not damage the delicate leaves.

Fertilizing your microgreens garden is also important for the optimal growth of long-lived microgreens that you want to grow past the cotyledon and first set of leaves stage. Microgreens are relatively light feeders, so you will not need to use a lot of fertilizer. A simple solution of compost or fish emulsion diluted in water will give your plants the nutrients they need. You can use a variety of different fertilizer types, but be sure to follow the directions on the package carefully. A little bit goes a long way with microgreens, so be careful not to overdo it. With proper care, you will soon be harvesting a bountiful crop of microgreens.

When to harvest your microgreens

Microgreens are a fun easy source of homegrown greens.

Microgreens are a tasty and nutritious way to add some zing to your meals, and they’re incredibly easy to grow. But if you’re new to growing microgreens, you might be wondering when the right time to harvest them is. The good news is that there’s no need to wait for your microgreens to mature into full-grown plants.

The key is to wait until the plants have developed their first true leaves, which usually takes 10-14 days. Once the plants have reached this stage, they can be carefully cut just above the soil line using sharp scissors. The greens can then be washed and enjoyed fresh, or they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. For best results, harvest your microgreens in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before the heat of the day sets in. This will help to ensure that the greens are nice and crisp. With a little care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of microgreens all season long!

How to store your microgreens

Microgreens are a deliciously healthy way to add a little extra green to your diet, and with a little care, they can be easy to grow at home. Once you’ve harvested your microgreens, the key to keeping them fresh is to store them properly. If you’re not careful, they can quickly wilt or develop mold. Here are a few tips for storing your microgreens:

First, make sure to wash the greens thoroughly in cool water. Then, spin them dry in a salad spinner or pat them gently with a clean towel. Once they’re dry, place the microgreens in a container lined with a paper towel. Be sure to use a breathable container, like a mesh bag or a colander, as microgreens need airflow to stay fresh. Finally, store the container in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator and eat the greens within a few days. With these simple tips, you can enjoy fresh microgreens all year round!

Microgreens can add a fresh snap to any salad.

Microgreens are a delicious and nutritious way to add some extra green to your diet, and they’re incredibly easy to grow. With a little care, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of microgreens all season long! In this article, we’ve provided tips on how to water and fertilize your garden, when to harvest your microgreens, and how to store them for freshness. With these simple tips, you can enjoy the taste and nutrition of microgreens all year round!

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Microgreens Resources

True Leaf Market is a great resource for seeds, equipment, and information.

Indoor Kitchen Gardening: Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden – Microgreens – Sprouts – Herbs – Mushrooms – Tomatoes, Peppers & More – by Elizabeth Millard