Houseplants being watered in a sunny window.

Houseplants are a great way to improve air quality and add some life to a room, but they can be challenging to care for if you’re not home often. Here are a few tips for keeping your plants healthy while you’re away.

Prepare your plants before you go

Before going on vacation and leaving your beloved houseplants behind, it is important to ensure they are adequately watered, trimmed, and fertilized. This will help your plants stay healthy during your absence and will reduce the risk of them wilting or dying while you’re away. The day before leaving, give your plants a thorough soaking with water containing a few drops of liquid plant fertilizer. Trim off any dead stems or foliage to let more sunlight in, and prune back any overgrown plants.

Providing containers with slowly evaporating water during your absence is also recommended; use wet stones placed in the planters to do so. Additionally, move any potted plants away from direct sunlight that may come in through windows before your departure so they won’t become dried out during your absence. Taking such precautions to prepare your house plants for a vacation can make all the difference between those that thrive and survive despite the lack of attention from their owner.

Water your plants while you’re away

When it comes to keeping houseplants alive while their owners are away on vacation, there are a variety of popular products that can provide help. Planters with self-watering features like wicking systems and sub-irrigation are a popular choice for many. Watering globes are another helpful option that slowly releases water into the soil when needed, providing an easy-to-use solution.

Finally, for larger collections or for those looking for the most carefree experience, electronic plant monitors measure vital needs like temperature and humidity and let the user know when something needs attention via an app.

Make sure your plants get enough light, humidity, and warmth while you’re gone


For anyone hoping to keep their plants healthy and vibrant while away on vacation, providing the right amount of light is critical! The easiest way to do this is to place your plants in a location that receives indirect sunlight.

Large peace lily

If possible, look for a south-facing window, as this will provide the optimal intensity of light. If there isn’t access to appropriate sunlight, consider investing in a low-intensity grow lamp or timer system. This will ensure your plants receive the light that they need for photosynthesis without becoming burned or dried out during long stints away from home.


Keeping plants healthy while an owner is out of town can be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, there’s a way to ensure that the right amount of humidity is provided to keep the plants happy and thriving in their absence: investing in a humidity tray.

Small ZZ plant

By filling the tray with gravel or gravel stones and adding water to reach the highest point possible without wetting the plant’s roots, it will absorb immense amounts of moisture over time and emit it back as needed.

Additionally, if possible, grouping plants together so they can exchange humidity between them can help maintain a balanced environment conducive to their growth and care.


Caring for plants can be tricky, and that’s even more true when their owners are away on vacation. Short-term temperature fluctuations can affect the health of your plants, so it is important to make sure they don’t get too cold or too hot while you’re gone.

Since the amount of warmth needed can vary depending on the type of plants, it may be helpful to research what temperatures each species prefers and then find a suitable place in the house where they will receive a consistent source of heat.

Large Monstera Deliciosa and other indoor plants enjoying a warm sunny window.

If you find yourself in a pinch, there are other options available such as setting up a timer or investing in a smart thermostat specifically designed for your indoor plants. These products allow you to control the temperature of your plant remotely, so no matter how far away you are, you can ensure that they stay at just the right level of warmth.

Get someone to check on your plants while you’re gone

If possible, ask a trustworthy family member or friend to come and water the plants as needed while you are gone. If you have houseplants that need tending to while you’re away, it’s essential to provide clear instructions to the person coming in to check on them. Explain what type of plants they are, in addition to any special care they may require, such as watering, fertilizing, or pruning.

A gorgeous collection of small house plants, including succulents.

Make sure they know whether the plants will be getting any sun or artificial lighting and how much. Additionally, ask that the person come in frequent intervals depending on the needs of your plants.

Do not forget to provide access details for entering your home or facility and ascertain if there is anything else that has to be done during their visits. Be sure to thank them for their help so that they feel appreciated.

Enjoy your vacation!

Whether you’re going on a short trip or an extended vacation, there are things you can do to make sure your plants stay healthy. Follow our tips, and your plants will be just fine!

Taking care of plants can be a challenge, but it’s definitely worth the effort! By following our tips, you can ensure that your plants stay healthy while you’re away. Whether you’re gone for a day or a week, these tips will help make sure your plants are taken care of.

Houseplant Survival Resources

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