A lush healthy garden and pond.

As any gardener knows, great soil is essential for growing healthy plants. Not only does it provide nutrients and support for roots, but it also helps to regulate moisture levels and prevent weed growth. However, during hot summer months, the soil can quickly become dry and cracked, damaging plant life and making it difficult for new seedlings to take root.

One way to combat this problem is to add amendments to the soil. Amendments help to improve the soil’s ability to retain moisture and protect plants from heat.

As the temperatures start to rise, it’s important to make sure your garden is ready for the heat. By using the right soil amendments and fertilizers, you can help your plants stay healthy and thrive all summer long. Here are seven of the best products to use this year. These products will help your plants thrive in the heat and offer tips on how to use them effectively.

Our Favorite Soil Amendments

Down to Earth Organic Granular Humic Acids

 EB Stone Fish Emulsion with Kelp

Myco Bliss Organic Mycorrhizal Fungi

UNCO INDUSTRIES,INC Organic Worm Castings

Down to Earth Kelp Meal

Blue Ribbon Organics OMRI Certified, Natural Premium Organic Compost


One of best soil amendment is compost fresh from the bin.

Compost is a key ingredient in any gardener’s toolkit. Not only does it help to improve the quality of the soil, but it also provides the nutrients that plants need to thrive. In hot weather, the soil around plants can quickly become dried out and cracked, making it difficult for roots to take up moisture and for plants to access important nutrients.

One way to help keep plants healthy in hot weather is to add compost to the soil. Compost helps improve the soil’s structure, making it more porous and better able to hold moisture.

In addition, compost provides a source of slow-release nutrients that can help plants to stay healthy during periods of stress. As a result, adding compost to the soil around plants is a simple and effective way to help them survive hot weather happy and healthy.

Compost also helps to promote drainage, which is important during periods of heavy rain. By improving the quality of the soil, compost helps gardeners to create a healthy environment for their plants, no matter what the weather conditions may be. While you are waiting for your compost pile to finish a bag of Blue Ribbon Organics OMRI Certified, Natural Premium Organic Compost can get you started.

Kelp Meal

Nutritious kelp meal is a soil amendment that works wonders for your plants by helping deal with environmental stress.

One way to help make plants more resilient in hot weather is to add kelp meal to the soil around them. Kelp Meal is a type of seaweed that is rich in nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. These nutrients help to promote healthy growth and make plants more resilient to stress.

In addition, kelp meal helps to retain moisture in the soil, which is essential during periods of hot, dry weather. As a result, adding kelp meal to the soil around your plants can help them stay healthy and vibrant during the summer months. Down to Earth Kelp Meal is one of our favorite organic brands.

Earthworm Castings

Earthworm castings can seem to work miracles for your garden.

Often times, gardeners will add earthworm castings to their soil in order to help their plants. But why exactly are earthworm castings so beneficial? It turns out that earthworm castings are packed with nutrients that plants need in order to thrive.

Unlike compost, which is made up of decaying organic matter, earthworm castings are made up of the feces of earthworms. These castings are rich in nutrients and bacteria, which can help to improve the health of your plants. They contain higher levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than the surrounding soil, which can help promote plant growth.

In addition, earthworm castings help improve the structure of the soil, making it more aerated and porous. This allows roots to better penetrate the soil and access the nutrients, oxygen and water they need. As a result, plants that are given a regular dose of earthworm castings tend to be healthier and more resilient than those that are not.

A bag of UNCO INDUSTRIES,INC Organic Worm Castings is a convenient top dressing that gives your plants a nutritious boost and helps protect them from insects.

Mycorrhizal Fungi

Help your plants absorb nutrients and survive extremes weather unscathed by applying mycorrhizal fungi to your soil.  One of the most important soil amendments.

Amending your soil with Mycorrhizal Fungi when planting can help your plants stay healthy all season long! Mycorrhizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, helping the plant to absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. This enhanced absorption leads to healthier plants that are better able to withstand stressors like drought and disease.

In addition, mycorrhizal fungi improve the structure of the soil, making it more aerated and porous. This improved soil structure allows water and roots to penetrate more easily, leading to stronger plants.

Myco Bliss Organic Mycorrhizal Fungi inoculant will help establish a mycelial network between plant roots and the soil. I have also seen the mycelial strands within the mulch insulating plants from the summer heat!

Fish Emulsion

Fish emulsion maybe stinky but its a great quick acting and gentle source nitrogen and other micronutrients your plants will love.

As the weather gets warmer, it’s important to make sure your plants are getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy. One way to do this is by feeding them with a weekly Fish Emulsion drench.

Fish emulsion is a natural fertilizer made from fish carcasses that are high in nitrogen and other essential nutrients. When mixed with water, it provides an easy way to give plants a nutrient-rich drink.

The extra boost of nutrients helps plants stay strong and vigorous during hot weather when they are more likely to suffer from stress and drought. In addition, fish emulsion can help to encourage strong root growth, which is essential for keeping plants healthy during the summer months. Concentrated and easy to apply. EB Stone Fish Emulsion with Kelp is a great drench and foliar spray.

The Best Natural Pest Control Solutions

Humic Acid

Amending the soil with Humic Acid helps plants stay healthy by increasing the amount of nutrients available to them. Humic Acid is a natural substance that is derived from decomposing organic matter.

It helps to break down minerals and make them more available to plants by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi, which can play an important role in regulating soil moisture and preventing disease.

In addition, humic acid helps improve drainage and aeration in the soil. This allows roots to better access oxygen and water, which are essential for plant growth.

Finally, humic acid can help reduce the effects of environmental stressors, such as extreme temperatures and drought. By amending the soil with Humic Acid, you can help your plants stay healthy and thrive. Down to Earth Organic Granular Humic Acids gave our brand new garden a head start.

Bonus Amendment!

Coffee Grounds

Saving you spent coffee grounds is an easy way to provide a boost to your plants.

Plants are not unlike people in the sense that they need nutrients to stay healthy, and Coffee Grounds are a great source of nutrients.

Side-dressing plants with coffee grounds provides them with a boost of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which helps encourage growth, prevent disease, and increase resistance to pests. In addition, coffee grounds can help improve drainage and aeration in the soil, leading to healthier root systems.

And because coffee grounds are acidic, they can also help to lower the pH of the soil, making it more hospitable for plants that prefer acidic conditions. So if you’re looking for a way to give your plants a little extra love, don’t forget the coffee grounds.

Make sure to protect your soil with mulch!

A garden benefits greatly from a deep layer of mulch. Getting a bulk amount of delivered is the most convenient and cost effective manner to acquire mulch.
Lots of mulch!

Mulch helps to protect plants from extreme temperatures and drought by retaining moisture in the soil. When the temperatures start to rise, plants can suffer from the heat, just like people. Extreme weather can damage leaves, dry out the soil, and cause stress that can weaken plants and make them more susceptible to pests and disease. One way to help protect plants from extreme weather is to cover the soil with a thick layer of mulch.

Mulch acts as a barrier between the soil and the sun, helping to keep the roots cool and moist. It also helps to prevent evaporation, which can quickly lead to drought conditions. In addition, mulch provides a physical barrier between the soil and harsh weather conditions, helping to prevent erosion and keep roots healthy.

As the bottom layer breaks down, mulch turns into compost, which provides vital nutrients that help plants withstand stress and stay healthy during periods of extreme weather. As any gardener knows, a little mulch can go a long way in helping plants survive extreme weather.

Mulch Magic: Improving Your Soil Health

Soil amendments and fertilizers can be a great way to help your plants stay healthy during hot weather. By adding earthworm castings, mycorrhizal fungi, fish emulsion, humic acid, or coffee grounds to your soil, you can provide your plants with a boost of essential nutrients that they need to thrive.

In addition, these amendments can also help to improve drainage and aeration in the soil, leading to healthier root systems. So if you want your plants to stay healthy all summer long, be sure to amend your soil with one or more of these great amendments.

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Soil Amendments Resources

University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County

Down to Earth Organic Granular Humic Acids

 EB Stone Fish Emulsion with Kelp

Myco Bliss Organic Mycorrhizal Fungi

UNCO INDUSTRIES,INC Organic Worm Castings

Down to Earth Kelp Meal

Blue Ribbon Organics OMRI Certified, Natural Premium Organic Compost